Transcript of remarks by SLW after passage of Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill (with photo/video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr Chris Sun, after the passage of the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill by the Legislative Council this afternoon (July 11):

Reporter: Are there any future amendments such as longer prison term and how would the Government review the implementation of the new law in the future? 

Secretary for Labour and Welfare: With the passage of the Mandatory Reporting Legislation today, we will soon publish it in the Gazette. The legislation will come into effect in 18 months upon its gazettal. We are going to make use of the coming 18 months to make sure that everything is ready, so that by the time the legislation comes into effect, all the professions who are required under the law to make mandatory reporting will get the necessary training, and also they are well equipped to make the reporting as necessary. Of course, with the passage of the law, we are also at the same time putting in place additional facilities and homes to cater for the increase in cases of reporting, and also we are going to step up our efforts in terms of promotions and publicity, and make sure we all work together for the welfare and betterment of our children. 

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
