Transcript of remarks by SFH at media session

     Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, at a media session at the Legislative Council Complex today (January 8):

Reporter: (Regarding the stock of protective equipment and the travel alert)

Secretary for Food and Health: First of all, surgical masks as well as the PPE (personal protective equipment) such as protective gowns and masks are adequate according to the Hospital Authority and the Department of Health (DH). They have got stock that can be used for about three months. They are continuing their communication with the suppliers so that when there is a need, there will be adequate supply. As far as the travel alert is concerned, the Centre for Health Protection of the DH has given some advice and the advice was put on the Security Bureau's (Outbound) Travel Alert page, so that if people want to travel to Wuhan or other places, they could take some precautions such as enhancing their own personal hygiene.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)