Transcript of remarks by SFH at media session

     Following is the transcript of remarks made by the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, after attending a radio programme today (May 12):

Reporter: Many pork traders are about to stay outside the slaughterhouse to protect their pigs. How would you deal with this situation? Actually would it be illegal if the pork traders stop officials from culling the pigs?

Secretary for Food and Health: Yes it is illegal if they stop the people in the slaughterhouse from culling the pigs because according to our legislation, the Sheung Shui Slaughterhouse is now an infected site. Therefore, we have to, first of all, cull all the 6 000 pigs inside the slaughterhouse; and secondly to clean and disinfect the site in order for the next batch of supply from the Mainland and other places to come in, so that the supply of pork will resume as soon as possible. I appeal to the traders and also the buyers to co-operate with the Government and let our operation continue. It is because this would be of the best interest not only to the traders, the buyers and the entire live pork industry, but also this would meet the expectation of our general public.

Reporter: Would you seek help from the Police if they refuse to leave?

Secretary for Food and Health: Of course we would try to seek their co-operation. We will maintain our communication with them and discussion. We have already made the decision and this decision is based on international practice and also the practice of the countries that have African Swine Fever outbreaks.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)