Transcript of remarks by SEN

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, on the implementation of the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment after attending radio programmes this morning (August 4):
Reporter: Mr Wong, some people say that the recycling service is too focus on a single recycler. So if you are trying to ask other private recyclers to join into the recycling service, how to do this? Almost all of the retailers are choosing the single service because of the delivery service. So how will you solve this to include some other recyclers into the industry?
Secretary for the Environment: I think you are talking about collectors, not really recyclers. According to the new requirements, all retailers have to register the proposed collectors (with the Environmental Protection Department). That means, they have to take the old appliances from consumers’ premises to a licensed recycler. The retailers actually have the flexibility to name more than one collector. I think that in the future, they will adjust their proposals according to the market situation.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)