Transcript of remarks by SCS

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, at a media session after the meeting of the Legislative Council's Panel on Public Service today (July 12):

Reporter: How do you see the three officials from the disciplined services playing as role models for civil service or vast majority of the civil service, as you mentioned earlier that it is unavoidable for a lot of them to go to meals sometimes and you know, go to social events, too. So how do you see these three officials playing as role models being senior top officials?

Secretary for the Civil Service: First of all, I would not comment on individual cases. Secondly, civil servants in exercising their duties or in contact with other persons in their liaison work, of course, we all need to exercise the required sensitivity and be alert so as to avoid any negative connotation. As regards the specific cases that you mentioned, the relevant bureau and the officers concerned have already issued statements and admitted that there were some negligence or lack of sufficient sensitivity and they would be more alert and sensitive in the future.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)