Transcript of remarks by CE at media session (with photos/video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session after casting her vote at Raimondi College at Central and Western District this morning(November 24):
Chief Executive: Good morning. Let me just say a few words in English. Today is a voting day of the District Council Elections, which are held once every four years. I appeal to all registered voters in Hong Kong to come out to cast your vote to select your preferred candidate to represent your interests in the next term of the District Councils, which will start on January 1, 2020. District Councils are a very important partner of the Hong Kong SAR Government in addressing district affairs, in promoting district interests and also in undertaking many district-based projects. I hereby pledge that the Hong Kong SAR Government will continue to fully support the work of the District Councils, provide more resources and listen more attentively to the views and opinions expressed by the District Council members on behalf of the local population. We are facing an extremely challenging situation in organising this year’s elections but I’m pleased to say that with the concerted efforts of all parties, including, of course, over 30,000 civil servants in many departments working today, we should have a relatively peaceful and calm environment to conduct these elections successfully. Thank you very much.
Reporter: Mrs Lam, this is your confidence vote. Are you confident in winning support from the citizens?
Chief Executive: Today’s vote is for registered voters to select their preferred candidates to represent their district’s interests in the 18 District Councils. I’m sure each registered voter will take into account all factors in deciding their choices.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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