Transcript of remarks by CE at media session (with photo/video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at a media session in Bangkok, Thailand, this afternoon (November 20):
Chief Executive: I would like to thank our media friends for covering our visit to Bangkok in the last few days. We spent two days attending the APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) meetings, which have produced very good results. And there was a Leaders' Declaration to sum up what was agreed in the conference. After the two days, we immediately started our promotion programme to introduce Hong Kong's new era to people we met in Thailand. Last night, I hosted a dinner in which about 30 representatives from the merchant side and the business community attended. They are senior leaders of their respective fields. There was very good communication between the two sides. I, once again, highlighted to them the strengths and the advantages that Hong Kong can offer to them, particularly after the new policies that I have introduced, which will allow Hong Kong to develop extra strengths to increase its competitiveness and advantages.
     And I also explained our anti-COVID policy which, in simple terms, is to reduce as much as possible the restrictions that have been imposed in the last three years. I have told them that we will be heading in one direction, so that we will reduce the restrictions as much as possible, but we will have to balance it against the risks, so I have to do it in an orderly and progressive way. They appreciated my thinking and they would like to come to Hong Kong when they have the time for this, so I am very pleased to hear that.
     This morning, I went to a local restaurant (for breakfast), where I had a meeting with colleagues from the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Bangkok, because they will be starting up a new team to recruit talents under my new policy. I listened to what they intended to do. I also explained more about my thinking so that they will be able to appreciate the purpose and intention behind. I am very pleased that they are all geared up for it, and there's strong motivation. After that, I walked around the area and visited a grocery shop and saw some goods that are actually also available in some shops in Hong Kong. So, the connection between the two places is strong. I also spent some time looking at the trolley stalls and bought some flowers.
     After that, I visited the Chinese Embassy (Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Thailand) and I am very thankful to Ambassador Han (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People's Republic of China to the Kingdom of Thailand, Mr Han Zhiqiang), who has offered us a lot of assistance during the visit in Bangkok. I've also explained to the Ambassador that there will be a lot of activities we will be organising in Thailand in the coming period of time, and I looked to him for further assistance, and he is very ready and very happy to listen to our wishes and requests.
     Thereafter, I visited two very successful enterprises, one is the CP Group (Charoen Pokphand Group Co., Ltd.), the other is where we are now, the AMATA Group (AMATA Corporation PCL). I listened to their success stories and I also made use of the opportunity to explain to the leaders of these two successful groups what Hong Kong can offer, Hong Kong's new strengths and Hong Kong's traditional strengths, and what new policies and strategies will create extra competitiveness for Hong Kong. These mean extra opportunities for enterprises all around the world. I’ve also explained to them my policy of attracting more talents and attracting more enterprises to come to Hong Kong, and the new position of Hong Kong being developed into an IT hub and a cultural and art exchange centre. They are upbeat about all these things, so there was very good communication. I am sure that there will be further communication between representatives of the delegation and the leaders of the two companies.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)
