Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting today (September 5):
Reporter: Good morning, Mr Lee. The first question: At least nine restaurants that originally promised to hold a banquet for the Democratic Party over the past two years have cancelled at the last minute. Would this development, which some might suggest involved political pressure, send a mixed signal for the party's participation at the upcoming District Council election, where authorities hoped they would run. And would you agree perhaps with views by pro-establishment lawmakers that holding the banquet itself is a form of soft resistance? The second question is recently some lawmakers have also courted controversy over their participation in a singing concert, as well as two thirds of bills in the current LegCo (Legislative Council) term were passed in the presence of less than half of total lawmakers. How would you see the performance of the lawmakers under the current patriots-only system? Is there room for any improvement? Thank you.
Chief Executive: Any organisation that wants to organise activities for their own is a matter for themselves. How successful they can do that and how things can be arranged is also a matter for themselves.
     As regards participation in the upcoming District Council election, it is open to anybody who's qualified according to the law. The only requirement that I can say is they have to, first of all, be able to swear allegiance to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and uphold the Basic Law. I think these are the two basic requirements. Anybody who satisfies that and who believes that they can contribute, of course, they are welcome to participate.
     As regards public officers who discharge their duties, whether they are government officials or legislative councillors, then of course, they are subject to the scrutiny of members of the public and the press. I'm sure that they will be having their ears wide open to listen to any opinions about what is expected.
     As regards the improved LegCo election, which has produced the current LegCo members, they have been, I think, making good performances to pass legislation and also in good communication with the Government. They also make a lot of suggestions to improve policies in some areas. They also have criticisms against the Government where they think the Government requires improvements. I thank them for making all these views to the Government to ensure that the measures that the Government takes will benefit society. I am also improving the communication with LegCo members, as you can see through regular Ante Chamber exchange sessions and also through the CE’s interactive exchange Q&A sessions. I will be looking for further opportunities to enhance communication with LegCo members, so that all of us can jointly work to the benefit of Hong Kong.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)