Transcript of remarks by CE at media session before ExCo meeting (with video)

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session before the Executive Council meeting this morning (August 28):

Reporter: Mrs Lam, the DemosistÅ� members who said they were detained in the Mainland said there were concerns that there would be similar cases happening just because of their political views. Do you have … will you relay these concerns to Beijing, and do you find these behaviours acceptable? And also why do you think currently not a good time for us to take the step to set up the committee to ensure national security? 

Chief Executive: Well I'll answer the second question first. As far as I understand, I read from the announcement made by the Macau Government, the decision to set up a committee to safeguard national security is to further enhance and improve the legal system to protect national safety, and that is of course premised on the fact that in the year 2009, Macau has already enacted a piece of legislation to protect national security and that is, in our case, it is local legislation to put into effect Basic Law Article 23. So, I would have this to say, that our primary responsibility is to find a right opportunity and create the necessary conditions for us to put into effect the local legislation before we need a committee to ensure the legislation is being effectively enforced. 

     On the first question, I cannot comment on the case, because as far as this case is concerned, all the details were provided unilaterally by one side, even without the affected persons appearing to substantiate their claims or allegations. I can only say that as a matter of policy and principle, we would expect Hong Kong people, if they go to another territory, they have to respect the legal jurisdiction and the legislation in that particular place. Secondly, since last year, after I took office, we have signed an understanding with the Public Security Bureau about a notification system. So, in other words, if there are Hong Kong people being detained or arrested for criminal offences, we will receive notification. On this case we have not received any notification. And thirdly, there is absolutely no question of another law enforcement agency outside of Hong Kong, with jurisdiction to enforce the laws in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong law enforcement agencies are the only authorised institutions to enforce the law in Hong Kong. 

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)