Transcript of remarks by CE at media session at Shenzhen Bay Port


     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at a media session at Shenzhen Bay Port this morning (March 29):
Reporter: What will the Mainland experts do to step up the efforts in using Chinese medicine to treat the COVID patients? Thank you.
Chief Executive: I received another delegation of Mainland experts this morning to come to support our anti-epidemic work. This delegation consists of seven experts, all in the field of Chinese medicine. Inviting this delegation of Chinese medicine experts to come to Hong Kong at this stage is for several purposes. One is because the use of Chinese medicine in curing infected COVID-19 patients has proven to be very effective in the Mainland. Right now, the Hong Kong SAR Government's efforts in fighting the epidemic is to prevent critical illness and deaths. That's why their participation will be very beneficial to our achieving this objective. The second purpose is that, as we all know, Chinese medicine is also very effective in rehabilitation. After a COVID-19 patient has been cured, particularly an elderly patient, the use of Chinese medicine can also help with a speedy recovery. That's why we want to have more experts to come to give us advice. The third reason is, as you know, in this term of the Government, we are focusing a lot more efforts on promoting the development of Chinese medicine. I have included Chinese medicine into the public health system in one of my Policy Addresses. I really hope that we could facilitate more exchanges between Chinese medicine experts and practitioners in the Mainland as well as in Hong Kong, so that we could map out a clear pathway for the promotion and development of Chinese medicine in Hong Kong, especially as we are now building the first-ever Chinese medicine hospital in Tseung Kwan O and we have three universities training Chinese medicine practitioners. This is a very good opportunity for both sides to work together and have useful exchanges, not only in dealing with this public health crisis but also for Hong Kong's objective to promote the development of Chinese medicine.
(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

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