Traditional Welsh Perry & Cider toast protected status success


They join other iconic Welsh products, such as Welsh Laverbread, Welsh Lamb and Halen Môn/Anglesey Sea Salt, in being recognised for their distinct quality and awarded protection against imitation and misuse.

Traditional Welsh Perry and Traditional Welsh Cider are protected by the European Protected Geographical Indication status (PGI), which will provide consumers with the confidence they are drinking the genuine Welsh product. 

In total, 14 Welsh products have now been awarded protected status. Traditional Welsh Perry and Traditional Welsh Cider have now received the honour of being the first Welsh drinks to attain the PGI status. 

The Welsh Government has supported the Welsh Perry and Cider Society during the complicated and extensive application process. 

Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths said:

“I am delighted Traditional Welsh Perry and Traditional Welsh Cider are the latest of our food and drink products to be awarded protected status.  

“This is further evidence of the success of the Welsh food and drink sector and the effectiveness of our strategy to support it.  We are forging a reputation for developing unique, high quality products and the industry is already more than half way towards reaching our target of 30% growth from 2014 to 2020. 

“The recognition from the European Commission is important as it demonstrates the quality of Wales’ produce as we strive to reach new markets to grow the industry and prepare for a future outside of the EU.”

Traditional Welsh Perry and Traditional Welsh Cider are re-emerging products that were largely farm-produced drinks using perry pears and cider apples grown in nearby orchards and made for local consumption. The revival of these drinks has been based on artisan producers rediscovering and restoring ancient orchards and planting new orchards. 

Sally Perks Chairman of the WPCS said:

“The Welsh Perry and Cider Society are thrilled with this announcement and the recognition of Traditional Welsh Cider and Traditional Welsh Perry as unique products. It provides a huge boost to Welsh cider makers in getting their products recognised throughout the UK and abroad.”

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