Tracy Brabin comments on inclusion of foster children in 30 hours childcare policy


Minister for Children and Families, Robert Goodwill bowed to campaigning
pressure and committed to including foster children in the 30 hours offer from
September 2018. 

MP Tracy Brabin has been campaigning against the unfair exclusion of
foster children from the flagship government policy. 

Brabin, Shadow Early Years Minister
commenting on the policy concession, said:

exclusion of foster children from the 30 hours policy was clearly cruel and
wrong to everyone apart from Conservative Ministers. 

glad those Ministers have adopted Labour’s position and committed to include
foster children from next year. It’s clear they wouldn’t have taken this step
if it wasn’t for the pressure they faced from us, from foster parents, and from
all others who cared about righting this wrong.

children are some of the most vulnerable in our society and it’ll be welcome
news to foster carers that they’ll now have the same right to access funded childcare
as their peers.”

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