Tory cuts to children’s services are making it impossible for councils to provide the support children and families need – Tracy Brabin

Brabin MP, Labour’s Shadow Early Years Minister
, responding to
the poll by Action for Children on Children’s Centres, said:

cuts to funding for children’s services are making it impossible for councils
to provide the support that children and families need.

should shame ministers that they’re overseeing such a dramatic fall in these
services when nearly half of children fail to meet developmental milestones by
age five. It goes to show ‘social mobility’ is nothing but a catchphrase to

Sure Start Centres closing across the country at an alarming rate, as their
funding continues to be slashed, there are more and more children who need
support, but are not able to access it because of this Government.

next Labour Government will provide these vital services with the funding they
need, including a ring-fenced grant of £500 million a year for Sure Start.”