Too many layers of government
The more government we have the worse it is. I have more government than I want, more government than I need and more government than I can afford.
It is great news we have got rid of the needless, prying, interventionist EU government . Too many place still have three layers of local government with County, district and town or parish. There are then national quangos and regional quangos.
Wokingham has a Borough Unitary rather than County and District. That avoids disputes and confusions over which Council does what and saves a double overhead. I did with others successfully press to get rid of the regional Development Agency but we are now lumbered with a useless, annoying and expensive LEP, though it is cheaper than the RDA.
Elected Mayors are prone to playing national politics in preference to doing the day job of improving and supervising local public services. Mayor Kahn has damaged London with his anti driver measures, his failure to control knife crime and his inability to run a good value strike free public transport system, The overlap with the London Boroughs causes tensions and extra cost, especially over planning.