Tom Watson comment on Karen Bradley’s minded-to decision on the Sky-Fox merger


Watson MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and
on Karen Bradley’s minded-to decision on the Sky-Fox merger, said:

“This is
the first time a Minister in the current Government has ever stood in the way
of what the Murdochs want, and frankly it’s about time.

Bradley has done everything we asked her to do and I welcome her minded-to
decision to refer the bid on broadcasting standards grounds as well as on media
plurality grounds.

the Secretary of State’s change of heart today reflects a failure on the part
of Ofcom, who incorrectly assessed concerns in their initial statement and even
now seem to fail to recognise that the “non-fanciful concerns” they have found
demand a reference to the CMA as a matter of law.

“It is
now up to the Government to ensure that any CMA investigation is more thorough
and detailed than Ofcom’s, and that Ofcom understands the serious concerns
raised by their failure to understand the legal requirements and provide
accurate advice. They must not get it so wrong again.”

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