Today’s GDP figures reveal more evidence of the Tories’ economic failure – John McDonnell

McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, commenting on today’s worse than expected GDP
figures, which represent the weakest first half of a year since 2012, said:

GDP figures reveal weak growth under a weak government, and expose the last
seven years of Tory economic failure.

for the first half of 2017 is below expectations, and it follows continued data
showing working families are being squeezed with wages not keeping up with

truth is that the Tories’ austerity cuts have undermined working people’s
living standards and weakened the UK economy.

“Only a
Labour Government has a strategic plan of investment to boost growth,
underpinned by our Fiscal Credibility Rule; which will help build a high wage,
high skill economy that works for the many not the few.”