Today’s figures show the Government’s abysmal record on living standards is getting even worse – Debbie Abrahams


Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Secretary Debbie Abrahams, commenting on
today’s Labour Market Statistics, said:

 “While we welcome the fall in unemployment, today’s figures show
the Government’s abysmal record on living standards is getting even worse.

 “Real wages are now stagnating under the Tories and working
families are worse off as a result.

 “The Government has also failed to close the employment gap
faced by women, disabled people and ethnic minority groups, who are all less
likely to be in work. Labour will stand up for all working people.

 “We will introduce a Real Living Wage of £10 per hour and
reverse cuts to in-work support that could see some families worse off by
£2,600 a year.”


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