Today’s figures highlight the worrying impact the benefit cap is having on families – Greenwood

Margaret Greenwood
MP, Labour’s Shadow Work and Pensions Minister,
commenting on the DWP’s Benefit
Cap statistics, said;

“Today’s figures highlight the worrying impact the benefit
cap is having on families across the country, with 68,000 affected by the new
lower cap level, a sharp increase

“Child poverty is also increasing. Last month the High Court ruled
that the cap was “unlawful” for lone parents with young children, with the
judge commenting that the cap was causing “real misery to no good purpose.

“Clearly, this Government’s decision to cut families’ incomes does not amount
to supporting them into work, especially given their total failure to provide
adequate affordable childcare. It is time that we urgently reviewed the Benefit
Cap’s impact and effectiveness.

“Rather than penalising children for its failed austerity plans, the Government
should instead undertake the task of supporting people into work, tackling the
high cost of housing, improving pay and investing in childcare.”