Today’s announcement confirms that the Tories have been taking people for a ride – Andy McDonald

Andy McDonald MP, Labour’s Shadow
Transport Secretary,
commenting on the Government’s scrapping of plans to electrify
the Great Western Mainline between Cardiff and Swansea, said:

“The Tories have been promising the electrification of the Great
Western Mainline from Paddington to Swansea since 2012 and today’s announcement
confirms that they have been taking people for a ride.

“The cancellation of
works means passengers will be denied the faster, greener, more reliable train
journeys they were promised, and South Wales will miss out on the economic
activity that improved rail services deliver.

“The decision betrays
a promise to South Wales and the Transport Secretary sneaking out the news on
the final day before he goes on his summer holidays adds insult to

“The Tories do not act
in the interests of the whole UK. They have put their own survival,
finding £1 billion for a deal with the DUP, ahead of everything else
and it’s communities like those in South Wales that pay the price.”