Today we remember the struggles of millions of slaves who, through everyday resistance over decades, brought about the abolition of slavery – Kate Osamor

Osamor MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for International
commenting on the International Day for the Remembrance of the
Slave Trade and its Abolition on 23 August, said:

“Today we
remember the struggles of millions of slaves who, through everyday resistance
over decades, brought about the abolition of slavery and showed the power of
collective action.

“But there
are still 45.8 million people locked in modern slavery, including in child
slavery, trafficking and sexual exploitation. It is estimated that illegal
profits are to the tune of US$ 150 billion globally.

May’s government is right to make this a priority. But it must do more to
address the root causes of modern slavery, and not treat its symptoms in
isolation. Only a Labour government will bring the international
leadership and cooperation needed to tackle labour exploitation and
deregulation, combat trafficking, and raise standards on supply
chain transparency.”