TM5 Catalogue of Quality Services involving users

March 31, 2020 About the EUIPO

TM5 Catalogue of Quality Services involving users

The EUIPO has published the TM5 Catalogue of Quality Services involving users, a catalogue of user-driven initiatives developed under the framework of international cooperation activities with the TM5 offices.

The Japanese Patent Office (JPO), the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) and the EUIPO — the TM5 partners — are actively conducting quality management activities to provide fast and efficient services to their users when applying for trade mark registration.

The new catalogue is a concrete result of the ‘Quality Management’ project, co-led by the JPO and the EUIPO. The project focused on sharing information on quality management initiatives between the five partner offices as well as identifying quality initiatives with user involvement.

The catalogue includes examples of initiatives and projects carried out by each TM5 office and the impact they have on the quality of the products and services provided to users. In particular, the catalogue includes a description of each service or initiative, its goals and objectives, relevant key figures and the benefits for the users.

More information can be found on

(Click to open the document)