Timor-Leste is vivid example of what UN can do in peacebuilding, Assembly debate told


25 September 2017 – Timor-Leste, a country which the United Nations shepherded to independence from Indonesia 15 years ago, stands as a shining example of what the world Organization can achieve in establishing peace and stability, the country’s president told the General Assembly today.

“The recent history of Timor-Leste vividly reminds us that when civil values, on which the very existence of the United Nations is built, take the lead – and inspire decisions – in the international scene, the UN and international law become powerful and decisive forces to settle conflicts and restore peace,” Francisco Guterres Lú Olo said in a speech read by Delegation Chair Maria Helena Pires.

Actions by Portugal, Indonesia, Australia, and the United States, and the support of the European Union and other world powers, are “living proof of the United Nations’ ability to save lives and help make the world a safe place,” he stressed.

He highlighted his country’s advances since independence in 2002 in peacebuilding and reconciliation at both national and international levels, sustainable development, health, education, and gender equality.