Times front page – Jeremy Corbyn responds

Responding to The Times front page article, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Leader of the Labour Party, said: 

The idea that civil servants should be briefing a newspapers against
an elected politician, against a prospective government, is something
that should be very concerning to all of us.

The Civil Service has to be independent; has to be non-political and
has to be non-judgmental of the politicians they have a duty to serve.
If we were elected to government, we have a very clear framework of
things we want to do in this country on housing, education, health and
the environment and so much more. We would explain those to our
colleagues in the civil service and expect them to carry out those

That is the way British democracy must work. There must be an
investigation into which senior civil servants are spreading fictitious
information to the press and in the process compromising the integrity
of the Civil Service.