Time running out to have say on Third Menai Crossing plans

The consultation which started on 15 December 2017 looks at four options for increasing capacity across the Menai Strait for motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

The options under consideration are:

Red Option:

  • New bridge directly to the west of Britannia Bridge
  • Improvements at A55 Junction 8A

Pink Option:

  • Extension of Britannia Bridge / new bridge immediately east of existing bridge to provide extra traffic lanes
  • Improvements at A55 Junction 8A

Orange Option:

  • New bridge directly to the east of Britannia Bridge
  • Improvements at A55 Junction 8A

Purple Option:

  • New bridge to the east of Britannia Bridge
  • Improvements at A55 Junctions 8 and 8A

Public Consultation Exhibitions also took place in Llanfairpwll and Parc Menai, Bangor during January where people could leave their comments and learn more about the options and bridge types under consideration.

Following the end of the consultation period, all responses will be considered carefully alongside the environmental, technical and economic appraisals before further scheme development. The aim is to announce a preferred route in summer 2018.

The £3m design and development stage of the third crossing is part of the 2-year budget agreed by the Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru.

Ken Skates said:

“The third Menai crossing is a significant development which will improve network resilience, provide better journey times and relieve traffic congestion in the area.

“This is a vital part of the Welsh Government’s investment plans in North Wales transport infrastructure over the coming years and the consultation provides an excellent opportunity for people to have their say on the options under consideration.

“Every response is vitally important in the development of the project and I urge all those with an interest to give their opinion before the closing date of 9 March.”  

Further details of the plans and how to share your views can be found at: https://consultations.gov.wales/consultations/a55-3rd-menai-crossing