TID, Small and Medium Enterprises Committee and ICPWG under Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee visit Guangzhou (with photos)

     The Trade and Industry Department (TID), the Small and Medium Enterprises Committee (SMEC) and the Working Group on Industrial, Commercial and Professional Sectors (ICPWG) under the Basic Law Promotion Steering Committee (BLPSC) led a delegation to Guangzhou today (June 13) to help Hong Kong small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and professionals learn about the latest developments and investment opportunities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, especially Guangzhou.

     The delegation visited the Guangzhou Baiyun Electric Equipment Company Limited to understand the operations of Mainland enterprises in the Greater Bay Area, and was briefed on the latest developments of the Baiyun District in Guangzhou.

     To gain a deeper understanding about the business environment in the Mainland, the delegation had a discussion session with local young entrepreneurs to learn about their experiences in starting businesses in Guangzhou. 

     The delegation also visited the Yangcheng Creative Industry Zone and the enterprises there to understand the operation of creative enterprises and the latest developments of creative industries there. 

     The delegation was led by the Director-General of Trade and Industry, Ms Salina Yan; the SMEC Chairman, Mr Michael Hui; and the ICPWG Convenor, Mrs Clarie Lo. Over 60 participants, including SMEC members, ICPWG members and representatives of Hong Kong's major trade and industrial organisations, professional bodies and SME associations, joined the visit.

     The SMEC is an advisory body set up by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government to advise the Government on issues affecting the development of SMEs in Hong Kong and suggest measures to support and facilitate their development and growth. The ICPWG under the BLPSC is responsible for formulating and implementing action plans for the promotion of the Basic Law among the industrial, commercial and professional sectors.

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