This White Paper is a wish list, not an action plan – Keir Starmer

Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU
, speaking after the release of
the Government’s Brexit White Paper, said:

White Paper is indicative of the Government’s whole approach to Brexit.

months they have refused to publish a plan or allow proper scrutiny, and when
they are finally forced to produce a White Paper it is rushed, limited and not
well thought through.

White Paper offers no certainty for EU citizens living in the UK, no additional
detail on how workers’ and consumer rights will be protected, and nothing on
how full tariff-free access to the single market will be delivered.

a wish list, not an action plan.

has said throughout that there needs to be accountability and scrutiny
throughout the Brexit process.

week we will debate amendments to the Article 50 Bill that would achieve that –
in particular by guaranteeing a meaningful vote that ensures our Parliament
votes on the Article 50 deal before the European Parliament does. The
Government should welcome that, not reject it”.