This latest report from the PAC shows how the Tories have run a rigged economy – John McDonnell

McDonnell MP, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, commenting on the Public Affairs Committee (PAC)
report on HMRC’s tax collection efforts from high net worth individuals, which
shows that the very wealthy are receiving preferential treatment, said:

“This latest report from the PAC shows how the Tories have run a rigged economy
where the super-rich pay less and less in tax while earnings for average
working households are still below their level of a decade ago. It’s a national
disgrace that the amount lost in tax from a super-rich elite under the Tories
would be enough to help end the crisis in social care.

"Labour will call time on the super-rich tax-dodgers and give HMRC the
legal and staff resources it needs to close the tax avoidance loopholes and
scams. We’ll stop the Tories using the excuse of Brexit to turn Britain into a
tax haven off the coast of Europe, and build an economy that leaves no-one and
no community behind.”