This is truly appalling and an all new low in this government’s treatment of refugees – Abbott


Abbott MP, Shadow Home Secretary,
in response to figures that show just five per cent of refugees resettled under the
Governments refugee scheme have disabilities, despite estimates that more
than 1 in 5 escaping Syria is disabled, said:

“This is
truly appalling and an all new low in this government’s treatment of refugees.

over a year ago when Theresa May made her first speech as Prime Minister she
said “ a disability or a health condition should never dictate the path a
person is able to take
”, but this has clearly been a factor blocking the
legitimate right of vulnerable refugees to seek asylum in this country.  

“We know
that offers from councils to host refugees have not been taken up in full, the
Dubs scheme has been halted and now this. This Tory government’s treatment of
refugees is simply not in line with British values.”

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