This is the second big Government contract cancelled in the space of six months – Rebecca Long- Bailey
Long- Bailey MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Energy, commenting on the Government
announcement today that the tax payer will incur nearly £100m in costs and
damages due to the mishandling of nuclear decommissioning contracts, said:
cancelling just two years into a 14 year contract, the Government has shown
dramatic levels of incompetence in the procurement process of this deal.
tax payers who stand to lose nearly £100m should be asking themselves not just
whether they are willing to put up with such ineptitude but also whether the
Government actually has a well thought out and long term nuclear
decommissioning strategy.
“This is
of course the second big Government contract cancelled in the space of six
months after the Concentrix tax credits scandal earlier this year. With
Concentrix, a similar pattern of Government behaviour emerged, they failed to
recognise key failures in service provision and were forced to cancel the