This is a manifesto that offers the majority of working people and pensioners insecurity – Gwynne

Gwynne, Labour’s National Election co-ordinator,
responding to
the launch of the Conservative manifesto, said:

the rhetoric, this is a manifesto that offers the majority of working people
and pensioners insecurity with a huge question mark over their living

tax guarantee they previously made is gone. While they’ll guarantee Corporation
Tax falls to 17p they’re dropping their promise not to raise income tax and
National Insurance contributions, raising the spectre of tax rises on lower and
middle incomes. No wonder they’ve dropped their previous promise to raising
living standards and the phrase “living standards” doesn’t appear at all.

manifesto is proof the Tories are ditching any claim to stand up for older
people. Pensioners stand to lose the pension guarantee in the next parliament,
the Winter Fuel Allowance is being hacked away at and their social care plans
could see those who need care forced to pay for it with their homes.

our public services – slashed back by the Tories – there’s nothing but
insecurity in these plans. They’ve failed to match Labour’s commitment on
education and there’s no detail other than a vague promise on giving the NHS
funding – a promise they made in the past and broke.

Tories stand up only for the few. For the many they offer the prospect of five
years of insecurity.”
