This is a dramatic new revelation in the saga of criminality in Murdoch’s media empire – Watson


Watson, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and
on News Group’s admission of computer hacking, said:

 “This is
a dramatic new revelation in the saga of criminality in Murdoch’s media empire.
Despite being asked about the use of private detectives by the News of the
World at a parliamentary committee in 2011 it’s taken a five year civil case
for the company to admit to further illegal behaviour. 

 “We can
now add computer hacking to the long list of criminal activities undertaken by Murdoch’s
operatives. We know from experience of phone hacking that there won’t just be a
single victim. So my question to Rupert Murdoch and his subordinates is this:
Who else was hacked? 

 “The Met
police are in possession of seized hard drives. What steps have they taken to
establish whether there are other people who don’t yet know their personal
information has been hacked? I will be writing to Metropolitan Police
Commissioner Cressida Dick to ask that she ensures all leads are followed up
and any victims fully informed. 

 “This is
yet more evidence that Part Two of the Leveson Inquiry must go ahead to
discover the full truth of illegality and cover-ups like this. And it’s vital
that the CMA is able to take this new evidence of criminality and corporate
failure into account as it assesses the Murdochs’ bid to take over Sky.”

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