This is a damning and shameful indictment of the Government’s lack of action on air quality – Hayman

Hayman MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
, commenting on the report of the
Special Rapporteur on the implications on environmental protections and
standards on human rights in the UK, said:

“This is
a damning and shameful indictment of the Government’s lack of action on air
quality and a stark warning ahead of Brexit of its flimsy promises on the
future of environmental protections.

“The UN
Special Rapporteur raises some extremely grave concerns in his report, most
notably regarding Michael Gove’s ‘worrying’ lack of commitment to environmental
protections post Brexit, the crippling impact of austerity on the UK’s ability
to monitor and enforce environmental standards, and the disregard for the
health of UK citizens.

simply blaming our membership of the E.U. on the long list of failings outlined
in the report, the response from the government could not have been more
inappropriate or cynical.

Gove must urgently set out his response to the concerns raised in this report
and take stronger and more immediate action on all areas of public health and
environmental concern that have been highlighted.”