This inquiry must provide answers for the Grenfell Tower community – Healey


to the appointment of Sir Martin Moore-Bick as head of the public inquiry into
the Grenfell Tower fire, John Healey MP, Labour’s Shadow
Secretary of State for Housing
, said:

inquiry must provide answers for the Grenfell Tower community, find out what
has gone so badly wrong, and help ensure this tragedy is never repeated.

weeks on from the fire, trust is low in the community around Grenfell Tower so
it is vital that the inquiry gains the trust of Grenfell families and that their voices are heard throughout this process.

we do not know when this inquiry will be completed, it must not be used by the
government to delay making the urgent changes we already know are needed.

do not need a public inquiry to tell us that tower block residents need a
commitment to up-front funding for necessary remedial work, including
re-cladding and retrofitting sprinklers starting with the highest-risk
buildings. Ministers have failed to give this clear funding commitment, and
they should do so now.

“We do not need a public inquiry to know that
our system of fire safety checks and controls is failing, and that an overhaul
of building regulations is urgently needed as was recommended to the government
in 2013 following the Lakanal House fire.” 

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