“This government is determined to wreck the climate”: Green Party response to Liz Truss conference speech

5 October 2022

Responding to Prime Minister Liz Truss’ speech to the Conservative Party conference today, Green Party deputy leader Zack Polanski said:

“This government is determined to wreck the climate with a dangerous drive to growth that is based on greater investment in fossil fuels that are destroying the planet.

“Liz Truss used her speech today to try and build a coalition of ‘enemies’ that she claims are holding the country back. This is divisive and false.

“We stand for the planet and for the people. There is no climate justice without social justice, and no future for the planet with this dead-end government.

“We need to raise the funds needed to tackle rising poverty and inequality through a targeted wealth tax and to use these funds to drive massive investment in insulating peoples’ homes and rolling out renewable energy to lower bills, stabilise the economy and tackle climate change.”


For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401

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