This chaotic Government is breaking its own laws by refusing to set out its timetable for the state pension age – Abrahams

Debbie Abrahams MP, Shadow Work
and Pensions Secretary
raised a Point of Order today on the Government’s failure to meet its legal
deadline to set out its state pension age timetable. Debbie said:

chaotic Government is breaking its own laws by refusing to set out its
timetable for the state pension age.”

they implement the recommendations of the Cridland Review, up to 34 million
people will be expected to work longer.”

their complete failure to adequately communicate the equalisation of the state
pension age for women, it is absolutely vital that this Tory Government comes
clean with its plan now.

“In our manifesto Labour is committed to leaving
the state pension age at 66, as part of our plans to ensure a secure and
dignified retirement for the many, not just a few.”