“This chaos has to end”: Greens call for general election after Chancellor signals more austerity

17 October 2022

Responding to the emergency statement from Chancellor Jeremy Hunt this morning [1], Green Party co–leader Adrian Ramsay said:

“The Chancellor’s emergency statement today is yet another symbol of the country’s economic and political instability caused by the recklessness of a Conservative government with no regard for the needs of ordinary people or the environment.

“As well as completely ripping up what was left of the Prime Minister’s credibility, what the Chancellor has signalled today is more austerity. 

“That means more cuts to vital public services and more suffering by everyday people who did not vote for and do not want the dangerous ideologically-driven policies the Conservatives brought forward and are now desperately scrambling to overturn.

“The government can no longer govern – this chaos has to end. We cannot continue to lurch from crisis to crisis, while people are left struggling to get by and the natural world around us is destroyed.

“We need a general election now so people can vote for the policies they want to see to turn this mess around. 

“The Green Party would do exactly the opposite of Truss’ reckless economic policies, which were designed to make the rich richer and would have driven up inequality. We are not afraid to say that the very richest should pay more to ensure we have the public services we need for a successful economy and society.

“For example, a wealth tax on the richest 1% could help fund a huge insulation and renewables programme that would help reduce rampant inequality, keep bills down for good and tackle the climate emergency.”





For more information or to arrange an interview contact the press office on press@greenparty.org.uk or call 0203 691 9401

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