Theresa May’s rigid and complacent approach to Brexit negotiations risks leading Britain over a cliff edge – Starmer

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting
the EU
, commenting on today’s reports about Theresa May’s meeting with
Jean-Claude Juncker last Wednesday, said:

 “Whatever the purpose of these leaks, this is a deeply worrying
account and further evidence that Theresa May’s rigid and complacent approach
to Brexit negotiations risks leading Britain over a cliff edge. It is clearer
by the day that an extreme Tory Brexit poses a severe risk to the British
economy and to people’s jobs and living standards.

“Theresa May talks about strengthening her hand, but in reality
she has misjudged her hand at every turn, weakening Britain’s position. By
refusing to acknowledge the complexity and magnitude of the task ahead the
Prime Minister increases the risk that there will be no deal, which is the
worst of all possible outcomes.

“In pursuing a rigid and complacent approach, the Prime Minister
now finds herself marginalised and isolated across the continent. Since day
one, she has been driven not by the national interest, but by the interests of
the Tory party.

“We urgently need a new approach. Labour will seek a new
collaborative partnership with our European allies. We will guarantee the
rights of EU nationals, immediately setting a different and more positive tone.
And we will rebuild relations with the EU and make sure that jobs, the economy
and rights come first.”