Theresa May’s Brexit strategy risks a cliff-edge for the economy and is a threat to jobs and investment – Starmer

Keir Starmer MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the EU, commenting on the CBI Director-General Carolyn Fairbairn’s speech on Brexit said:

“Today’s speech from the CBI underlines what Labour has been saying for months: that Theresa May’s Brexit strategy risks a cliff-edge for the economy and is a threat to jobs and investment.

“Labour agree that we need an early commitment to ensure strong transitional arrangements, and that these should be on similar terms to those we currently enjoy. Without that commitment, and without a bridge to new trading arrangements with the EU, there will be growing uncertainty for businesses and investment decisions will be delayed.

“Labour are clear that jobs and the economy must come first in the Brexit negotiations. It is time the Prime Minister and the Brexit Secretary listened to the growing concerns from businesses and the Treasury and changed their reckless approach.”