Theresa May must spell out Tory policies after Dominic Raab gaffe – Ian Lavery

May must spell out Tory policies after Dominic Raab gaffe

is calling on Theresa May to end the confusion
over funding for our NHS and schools after a
gaffe by Conservative MP Dominic Raab.

the Victoria Derbyshire programme this morning, Dominic Raab suggested money
for the NHS would be found by cutting free school meals for infants.

pressed on the issue, he said: “Well, look we’ve said things like means
testing the winter fuel payment. I’m giving an illustration of the difficult
decisions, like saying that we wouldn’t be subsidising free school lunches for
well-off parents, we don’t think that’s the right thing to do. We’d rather the
money went into teaching and the NHS.”

suggestion the NHS would benefit is at odds with the Conservative manifesto,
which says: “The savings made from [cutting free school meals] will be added
to the core schools budget, meaning that every penny saved will go towards
children’s education.”

the respected Institute for Fiscal Studies has confirmed that there is not a single penny of extra funding for the NHS in the
Conservatives’ manifesto.

latest chaos and confusion about Tory policy comes after the unravelling of their proposal for
free school breakfasts, when it was found it
would only amount to 6.8p per meal, and the announcement of an
unspecified cap on social care costs being charged against people’s homes.

Ahead of tonight’s leaders’ debate and interview with Jeremy
Paxman, Labour
is challenging Theresa May to end the
uncertainty by coming clean on what a Conservative government would mean:

 ·         How many pensioners will lose their winter fuel payments?

·         What will the cap be on social care
costs for people with conditions such as

·         Will there be
increases in National Insurance contributions and income

·         Is the Institute
for Fiscal Studies right to say there will be five years
of austerity for the NHS?

·         How will they
fund their school breakfast proposal (replacing
free school meals) now their original 6.8p figure is discredited?

Ian Lavery, Labour’s National Election Coordinator,

“Theresa May has already thrown millions of pensioners into
uncertainty over her dementia tax policy and now
her funding for our NHS and schools is in disarray.
If even her own spokespeople don’t know where the money is coming from or where
it’s going, how on earth do they expect the
British people to know?

“You can’t trust a word Theresa May and the Tories say, the
flip-flopping and backsliding is getting ridiculous. There is a very clear
choice at this election, between a Conservative party that is betraying
pensioners, threatening tax rises for millions of families and promising five
more years of austerity for our NHS and schools, and a Labour party with a
fully costed plan for the many not the few.”