Theresa May has once again failed to rule out more National Insurance Contribution – John McDonnell

McDonnell, Labour’s Shadow Chancellor
, commenting on Theresa May’s refusal to
rule out a rise in National Insurance Contributions, said:

May has once again failed to rule out more National Insurance Contribution
increases. There is already a £2 billion black hole in the Budget from when the
Tories tried to sneak through a hike in NICs only a month ago, and it is
becoming clear they are looking to try to go ahead with this tax hike if
they’re re-elected next month.

Tories still won’t rule out further tax rises on those with low and middle
incomes and are a threat to working people.

personal tax guarantee rules out rises in National Insurance Contributions, VAT
and income taxes for the 95 per cent. Labour is now the party of low taxes for
the many and not the few.”