The values of my website.


This website is written by me. It is not a Conservative party website.  I hold no office in the Conservative party and have not been asked to advise or assist them.

My prime aim on this site is to provide good quality independent analysis of current economic and political issues. I will aim to set out the views of the main decision takers and influencers and seek to forecast what they may do or what results we might expect.
A secondary task will sometimes to make a case or help a campaign for policy change that could raise the prosperity, sustain the freedoms and improve the quality of life of people living in the U.K.

I will criticise government and leading institutions where they are doing harm or missing opportunity and support them where they are right. I will continue my campaigns for changes to the OBR  economic policy framework, to the methods of the Bank of England, to the bond sales, to features of the net zero strategy, to the numbers of visas granted, to tax policy and other matters.

Where I am not providing a neutral critique of policy and events but pursuing an agenda for change I will have my principles and experience in mind. Lower and fewer taxes usually bring better growth and more revenues. Free  enterprise solutions through competition and choice give the best answers for many of our needs. Government does need to intervene to help the ill and disadvantaged and should do so providing high quality service. Much more can be done to boost public sector productivity, quality and real wages.Freedom and democracy are always better than tyranny. National  self government accountable to electors is better than world and regional Treaty based instructions.

I will return regularly to the growing gap between US economic success and poor European performance. I think controlling migration numbers is central to easing pressures on services and to boosting real  wages and increasing worthwhile jobs for U.K. citizens. I will explore the UK’s relative success compared to the EU in embracing technology and expanding services exports, whilst showing how we missed out compared to the US over the main digital Revolution.

Contributors are welcome, especially if they bring insights or information to the topics covered. I will not be posting items that wish to make cheap political points or insist on disagreeing with everything I write however stupid the resulting response. If you want to complain about Conservatives communicate with a Conservative site.

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