The Tories need to return to the drawing board on the Ebacc – Angela Rayner

Angela Rayner MP, Labour’s Shadow
Education Secretary
, responding to the publication of the consultation response to
the English Baccalaureate (Ebacc), said:  

“The Tories have
dragged their feet for months on releasing the responses to this consultation
and it is clear why.

“It is essential that
children have a firm grip of the core subjects at school, but it is just as
important that all children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum
which over two thirds of respondents highlighted is at threat under the Ebacc.

“The Tories need to
return to the drawing board on the Ebacc and make sure it is delivering the
excellent, well-rounded education all children deserve.

“If they were serious
about delivering a broad and balanced curriculum for schools they would not be
cutting their budgets or imposing a cap on public sector pay that makes it
impossible for schools to recruit and retain the staff that they need.”