The SNP is putting its own interests before the national interest

13 Jun 2018


The Scottish Conservatives have today called on the SNP to “get off the ceiling and get back round the table” following the passage of the EU Withdrawal Bill through the Commons this week.

It comes with the Nationalists threatening to walk away entirely from UK wide discussions on Brexit, according to reports today.

Such a move would be deeply damaging for jobs and the economy in Scotland – and run counter to previous promises by SNP Ministers to support crucial new UK wide frameworks in key areas of the economy post-Brexit.

The Scottish Conservatives are demanding that the SNP confirm today they do not intend to withdraw from vital forums such as the Joint Ministerial Committees which help to deliver key projects such as City Deals.

The Withdrawal Bill will ensure that more powers are devolved to the Holyrood Parliament following Brexit next year.

Meanwhile, both the UK and Scottish Governments have previously agreed that, once we have left the EU, new UK wide “frameworks” will be required to replace EU rules to ensure that the UK internal market continues to operate freely and without friction.

Scottish Conservative constitution spokesman Adam Tomkins said:

“The hysterical reaction from the SNP following the passage of the Withdrawal Bill was entirely predictable.”

“But it is now time for them all to come off the ceiling and get back round the table.”

“There are crucial issues to discuss in short order. SNP Ministers have themselves agreed we need to design long-term UK wide frameworks in key areas to support jobs and the economy in Scotland. We need to get these discussions up and running as soon as possible.”

“The UK Government wants to talk. But the SNP seems only to want to shout and walk away from further discussions. Doing so would demonstrate once and for all that Nicola Sturgeon will always put her own political interests before the national interest.”

“In particular, the SNP need to confirm today they will not withdraw from key forums like the various Joint Ministerial Committees. These are a vital link between Scotland’s two governments, and ensure important projects like City and Regional Deals are operated successfully.”

“For once, Nicola Sturgeon should ditch the nationalist grand-standing and get on with the job in hand.”