‘The SNP is not Scotland’ – Ruth Davidson


19 Mar 2017


Ruth Davidson has today insisted that “the SNP is not Scotland” as a new poll has again shown a majority do not want another referendum and that support for separation has stalled.

The Scottish Conservative leader was speaking during an interview on the Andrew Marr show on BBC One this morning.

Ms Davidson said “many thousands” of people in Scotland were “so thankful” when the Prime Minister Theresa May refused to bow to demands from Nicola Sturgeon for a second referendum between Autumn 2018 and Spring 2019.

Her comments were made as a Panelbase poll for the Sunday Times and LBC put backing for a split at 44%, one point lower than the 2014 referendum.

Less than a third (32%) of voters want a referendum within the timescale set out by the First Minister on Monday, while 51% do not want a repeat poll in the next few years.

In the interview this morning, Ms Davidson said: “I have to tell people – the SNP is not Scotland, and they are acting against the majority wishes of the people of Scotland.

“I have just read far too many headlines that Scotland reacts to X and Scotland reacts Y and it doesn’t.

“There are people across Scotland, many thousands of them, that are so thankful for the Prime Minister to actually say, let’s take a pause on this.”

Ms Davidson added that, after a two-day party conference in Aberdeen this weekend, the SNP have provided no further answers to key questions about an independent Scotland.

She said; “We have asked basic questions on things like currency, on things like a central bank, on things like whether we would even rejoin Europe as a full member, and Nicola Sturgeon seems unable to commit to that.”

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