The report “Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2019” published


     The Census and Statistics Department published today (March 31) the report "Population and Household Statistics Analysed by District Council District 2019".
     The report contains statistics on a broad range of demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the population in 2019 at the District Council district level. Population characteristics like age, sex and marital status, and household characteristics like household size, household income, type and tenure of accommodation are included.
     The statistics in the report are mainly based on data collected in the General Household Survey during January to December 2019, which may be regarded as referring to the average situation of the entire year of 2019. This survey covers the land-based non-institutional population of Hong Kong (which constitutes some 99% of the Hong Kong Resident Population). Some summary statistics published in the report are shown in Table 1 and Table 2 attached.  
     Users can download the report free of charge from the website of the Census and Statistics Department at (
     Enquiries about the contents of the report can be directed to the Household Statistics Analysis Section, Census and Statistics Department (Tel: 2887 5508 or email:

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