The King’s speech 2

I repeat here some of my supply side measures to boost investment and increase the UK’s ability to grow, produce and make more at home. More domestic supply will boost tax revenue, lower the  deficit and help bring inflation down.

1. Postpone ban on new petrol and diesel cars to 2040  from 2030 to allow investment and continued use of existing factories.

2. Postpone the ban on new gas boilers for home heating

3. Cut Corporation tax to 12.5%

4. Switch wilding and sustainable farming grants to grants and loans to grow more food with more labour saving machinery

5. Issue licences to produce more oil and gas from known North Sea fields and reserves

6. Keep all existing fossil fuel power stations to help meet demand in periods of low wind and sun

7 End grants for anti motorist schemes that cause more delay and congestion on main roads

8. Put in more bypasses and roundabouts in place of more traffic lights and road restrictions

9. Amend Housing Bill to avoid losing more landlords

10. Remove 2017 and 2021 changes to IR 35 to foster more self employment

11 Raise VAT threshold for small business to £ 250,000

12.Get regulator to allow more reservoir capacity by water companies

13. Suspend carbon tax and emissions trading to cut energy costs for high energy using industries like steel

14. Auction government run rail franchises to get better service for lower subsidy

15. Sell Channel 4

16. Work with private sector  to complete roll out of fast broadband