The Government must listen to head teachers about investing in the next generation – Angela Rayner

Angela Rayner MP, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for
commenting on the letter from head teachers representing over
5,000 schools across England to the Chancellor about the Government’s
inadequate funding for schools, said:

“Justine Greening needs to start listening to the head
teachers and concerned parents who are facing the real consequences of her
Government’s decision to put tax breaks for the super-rich ahead of investment
in the next generation. 

“Despite Tory spin, the new funding formula does nothing to
reverse the cuts to budgets and every penny they have found just comes from
cutting other education provision – it isn’t fair, and it isn’t funded. 

"The next Labour Government will give our schools the
resources they need, reversing Tory cuts and protecting per pupil funding in
real terms, as we build a National Education Service for the many, and not just
the few.”