The government must ensure their spending on childcare goes towards high quality early years education – Tracy Brabin


Brabin MP, Labour’s Shadow Early Years Minister
commenting on the NAHT report on school readiness, said:

report should make sobering reading for Tory ministers. It is yet more evidence
of a problem that has worsened on their watch. It is now incumbent on the
government to ensure their spending on childcare goes towards high quality
early years education, supporting children to get the best start in life.

contrast, the Tories’ chronically underfunded 30-free hour childcare offer has
not only left too many parents not receiving the free care they were promised
but has seen many of the most experienced and highest-rated providers walk
away from the sector entirely. Ministers should take their concerns seriously
before the childcare sector reaches a crisis point.

Labour government would provide genuinely free and high-quality childcare, with
all parents of 2-4 year olds entitled to 30 hours, and the investment needed to
deliver it in practice. We would also reverse the Tory cuts to Sure Start,
which the evidence showed was a highly effective programme in supporting
children to be school ready.”

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