The Dawn Chorus: tune into Nature during lockdown

Natural England is rallying the nation to connect with nature this Easter weekend by tuning into one of nature’s most special phenomena: the dawn chorus.

As we firmly emerge from winter into spring this weekend, Britain’s most loved and widespread birds including robins, blackbirds and song thrushes will be heard singing to defend their territories and attract a mate for the breeding season.

By simply opening your window an hour before Sunrise, we can all enjoy a slice of nature safely without the need to leave our homes. And the dawn chorus is set to be heard especially loud and clear this Easter, with many of us expected to enjoy fine weather and quieter roads than usual.

Chair of Natural England Tony Juniper said:

Across the UK people can enjoy this vibrant annual manifestation of life happening right next to where we live, including in the heart of our biggest cities.

This wonderful celebration of life is all the more important during this difficult period, when it is so important to appreciate everyday things. Now is an especially good time to connect with this annual natural wonder, when our birds have less competition from the roar of planes and traffic.

The dawn chorus can be enjoyed annually from March to July, as the increase in daylight switches male songbirds into breeding mode to sing for a mate.

There are many online resources available to help people identify any mystery voices and learn more about the nation’s birds, such as on the RSPB’s website.

The dawn chorus can also be enjoyed from the garden or whilst exercising – however, people should follow government guidance on using green spaces and protecting yourself and others. The government’s priority is to save lives, and the best way to protect yourself and others from illness is to stay at home.