The Culture Secretary must now ensure MPs are given an opportunity to debate the Fox takeover deal  – Tom Watson


Watson, Labour’s Shadow Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport,
commenting on the 21st
Century Fox formal notification of its bid for full control of Sky, said:

“The Government should have referred this bid to
Ofcom immediately and without equivocation.

“It is clear that Fox’s bid to take full control of
Sky will significantly increase the size of the biggest media organisation in
the UK and further concentrate power in the hands of a dominant industry

“It is therefore clearly in the
public interest that the bid is referred to the regulator on media plurality
and broadcasting grounds.

“In light of the Government’s decision not to immediately
refer the bid and the effect the proposed merger is likely to have on the UK
media sector, the Culture Secretary must now ensure MPs are given an
opportunity to debate the deal before a decision is taken on whether to approve


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